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  • Define muscles

  • Build strength

  • Reduce back pain

  • Exercising

  • Lose weight

  • Fitness & Improve performance


FULLBODY BURN WORKOUT is an intensive full-body workout that uses dumbbells, mini bands and other training equipment. We strengthen every muscle group, usually using the entire body, because these exercises are particularly efficient and provide excellent stability for your posture. This will help you quickly gain more power and strength for your everyday life, your muscles will be defined, your posture will be improved and back pain or other physical problems will be reduced. FULLBODY BURN WORKOUT is sweaty - which means that your basal metabolic rate and metabolism improve. A perfect workout for women who want to lose weight for health reasons, improve their fitness and become more powerful.

Duration: 30 minutes

Level: Beginner and Advanced

Every course in THE GOOD GYM is suitable for beginners and advanced users, as our qualified trainers can adapt each exercise to your level of training.

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