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Balance Exercise_edited_edited.jpg


  • Define muscle

  • Improve posture

  • Reduce back pain

  • Train balance

  • Promote mobility

  • Internalize elegant movement sequences


The Barre workout is a new creation from ballet, Pilates and fitness exercises, which is why mini bands, workout balls and dumbbells are integrated into the training. Thanks to the many abdominal and pelvic floor exercises and the constant, graceful movement of the arms, your posture will improve in the long term. This way, we actively counteract back pain, your posture becomes more confident and you can float comfortably through your busy life in the future.

If you've been doing workouts for a long time, your muscles will expereince these new interesting movements as real challenges and you can give your training a new kick. Even beginners will notice muscles in places they didn't notice them at  before. An effective workout with surprising elements that bring a lot of elegance and stability to your body at the same time.

Duration: 30 minutes

Level: Beginner and Advanced

Every course in THE GOOD GYM is suitable for beginners and advanced users, as our qualified trainers can adapt each exercise to your level of training.

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